Phase Transformations of Mixtures

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The following three questions refer to the material you were to read in preparation for the lesson. Questions one and two are multiple choice questions. Click in the appropriate circle. Question three is open-ended.

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page.

1. Solubility gap

If the Gibbs free energy of a system with substances A and B is concave down it is better for the system to separate into two different phases. This is the solubility gap. What is the nature of these phases at finite temperature?

One phase is solid, the other phase is liquid.

One phase contains only substance A, the other contains only substance B.

Both phases contain both substances but in different proportions.

none of the above

2. Boiling a mixture

What happens if you bring a mixture of two substances to a temperature that is in between the boiling temperatures of the individual substances?

they form a mixture of gases

it depends on the relative proportions of the two substances if they form a gas or a liquid or both at the same time

they form a mixture of liquids

none of the above

3. Most noteworthy reading

Which parts of the reading assignment did you find the most difficult to understand? Which parts did you find surprising?

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button.